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Special Education

Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee

SECAC每月在虚拟环境中召开会议,与家庭合作, community groups, advocates, ,以加强特殊教育服务 & outcomes for students.

• Connect with other special education families.

SECAC 2024-25 Event Calendar | Español

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陶森大学开设了基础教育和特殊教育理学学士学位, 双认证计划,为符合条件的辅助专业人员 currently employed by MCPS. USG, for its part, 将为所有不在MCPS学费资助范围内的参与者支付剩余的学费费用.

Under the new initiative, which will run through FY2028, USG will fund two cohorts of up to 20 students each, 该学位课程旨在为辅助专业人员提供必要的技能和证书,以过渡到认证教师. Participants will all be current employees of MCPS, 在入学期间,他们将继续担任目前的带薪MCPS职位. 将提供面对面和远程学习教学的组合, 所有的面对面教学都在罗克维尔的美国地质大学校园进行.

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Family Support


Contact Us

Office of Special Education
Ms. Diana K. Wyles, Associate Superintendent:    (240) 740-3042 

Office of Special Education
Ms. Brenda B. Browne, Assistant to Associate Superintendent: (240) 740-3038 

Department of Special Education Services
Mrs. Kia Middleton-Murphy, Director: (240) 740-3900

Mrs. Erica W. Williams, Director: (240) 740-3880 

Division of Business, Fiscal and Information Systems
Mrs. Julie S. Hall, Director: (240) 740-3850 

Central Placement Unit
Ms. Joanne C. Hoffman, Supervisor: (240) 740-3830

Resolution & Compliance Unit
Mr. Gerald L. Loiacono, Supervisor: (240) 740-3230 

Family Support Center
Ms. MaryBeth Mantzouranis: (240) 753-9487

The MSDE Family Support Section of the Family Support and Dispute Resolution Branch, responds to parent inquiries, 协助家长了解马里兰州的早期干预和特殊教育系统, and provides parents with school system resources. 

Maryland State Department of Education, Early Intervention and Special Education Services 

Mr. Ken Hudock, Section Chief, Family Support Services: (410) 767-0255 or 

Frequently Visited

Office of Special Education

特殊教育办公室(OSE)的使命是提供, implement, 并监督为残疾学生提供从出生到21岁的无缝连续服务的情况, to prepare for college, career, and community readiness. OSE支持学校通过IEP过程和学生的教育支持家庭,以确保每个残疾学生的成功.




MCPS Services to Support Families

አማርኛ | 中文 | français | 한국어 | español | tiếng Việt

为了支持MCPS战略规划框架的核心价值和 残疾人教育改善法案 of 2004 (IDEA), OSE致力于促进所有残疾学生的学习成绩和社会情感成功. 家长/监护人是学校工作人员通过个性化教育计划(IEP)决策过程规划学生服务的重要合作伙伴. 有关残疾学生安置的所有决定将由IEP小组与家长/监护人根据《威尼斯人在线官网》的要求合作作出 Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Services by Age Group

MCPS Family Support Center

MCPS Family Support Center seeks to:

  • 增加家长在早期干预和特殊教育决策过程中的参与.
  • 通过信息和培训增加合作关系.
  • 协助家庭解决有关孩子教育的问题并作出明智的决定.
  • 提供有关残疾、学校系统和社区资源的信息.

MSDE Family Support and Dispute Resolution Branch

MSDE Family Support Section of the Family Support and Dispute Resolution Branch, responds to parent inquiries, 协助家长了解马里兰州的早期干预和特殊教育系统, and provides parents with school system resources.

Parents' Guide to Habilitative Services (English) |  Spanish

IDEA Dispute Resolution Processes Comparison Chart

Parent Information Series on Procedural Safeguards

Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice

Procedural Safeguards/Parent Rights Brochure


Amharic | Arabic |  Chinese |  French |  Haitian |  Korean |

Polish |  Portuguese |  Russian |  Spanish |  Tagalog |  Urdu |  Vietnamese

State Complaint Form (Part B)

Amharic | Arabic |  Chinese |  French |  Haitian |  Korean |
Polish |  Portuguese |  Russian |  Spanish |  Tagalog |  Urdu  Vietnamese

State Complaint Form - Part C

Request for Mediation and Due Process Complaint Form

Portuguese |  Russian | Spanish |  Tagalog |  Urdu |  Vietnamese




Amharic | Arabic |  Chinese |  French |  Haitian |  Korean |
Polish |  Portuguese |  Russian |  Spanish |  Tagalog |  Urdu |  Vietnamese


Amharic | Arabic |  Chinese |  French |  Haitian |  Korean |

Polish |  Portuguese |  Russian |  Spanish |  Tagalog |  Urdu |  Vietnamese


Upon receipt of MCPS表格230-35,欺凌,骚扰或恐吓报告表格, 学校校长/指定人员必须立即进行适当的, reliable, and impartial investigation. 调查必须通过填写此表格进行记录. Principal/Designee must use this form, MCPS表格230-36,欺凌,骚扰或恐吓调查表格, 及时和适当地调查欺凌报告, harassment, or intimidation consistent with due process rights, 在收到报告表后的两个工作日内或尽可能及时地通知学校行政或行政指定人员.

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